Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello 2012! I always get excited at New Year, I love the thought of making a fresh start, positive vibes and lots and lots of planning! I got my felt tips out and made a multi-coloured list of my goals for the year. They mostly involve work-based ambitions, but I'd like to do more traveling this year too - I dream of cycling around the streets of Copenhagen with my sweetheart. I've been finding pictures of places I want to go and adding them to my Pinterest as a visual reminder. I'm trying to be better at using it as I always find millions of images I like online then forget all about them, Pinterest is great for keeping them all together.
Some other things I'd like to do this year are: go wild swimming in Padley Gorge; visit the Pitt Rivers museum, Oxford; go back to life drawing classes; buy a new bike; improve my website and get up earlier! What are your goals/resolutions for the year? Whatever they are, have a magical 2012! xx

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