Thursday, 26 January 2012

Potter's Museum of Curiosities

A friend of mine posted this video up yesterday and I loved it so much I had to share it! Watching this led me into a whole world of taxidermied fun. I spent rather too much time looking at squirrels in waistcoats...expect more curiosities soon.



Sunday, 22 January 2012

A few little changes...

I've been doing quite a lot of updating of all my online bits and pieces, trying to get some continuity going! So, on this blog I've finally updated the text so it's all the same and revamped my banner. I've rephotographed at lot of my products, including this Cuddly Koala hat, which was one of my best sellers over Christmas!

It's available over on my website here and I'm posting one along with a matching t-shirt to San Francisco tomorrow!

Monday, 2 January 2012

Happy New Year!

Hello 2012! I always get excited at New Year, I love the thought of making a fresh start, positive vibes and lots and lots of planning! I got my felt tips out and made a multi-coloured list of my goals for the year. They mostly involve work-based ambitions, but I'd like to do more traveling this year too - I dream of cycling around the streets of Copenhagen with my sweetheart. I've been finding pictures of places I want to go and adding them to my Pinterest as a visual reminder. I'm trying to be better at using it as I always find millions of images I like online then forget all about them, Pinterest is great for keeping them all together.
Some other things I'd like to do this year are: go wild swimming in Padley Gorge; visit the Pitt Rivers museum, Oxford; go back to life drawing classes; buy a new bike; improve my website and get up earlier! What are your goals/resolutions for the year? Whatever they are, have a magical 2012! xx